How to Create a Landing Page in a Squarespace Website
The sole purpose of the landing page is to capture the web visitor’s information through an inclusion form. When someone gets to your landing page they become a visitor and when they fill then form, they become a lead. There are people that think that having a form on say a homepage or any other page on the site is enough to generate leads while the truth is that they cannot generate as effectively as a dedicated page would. A great landing page also contains equal exchange, string offers and compelling ones that give the visitor incentive to give up their personal information. Here are some of the tips to get you started on creating an effective landing page that will focus on getting the visitors to fill out the form.
Normally, people will glaze over the copy pretty quickly, and this means that you have to stay focused and not have more text than necessary on the page. A cookie-cutter type of a landing page will not work because you will not be able to directly speak to the visitors. The font color and size, and the actual content should, therefore, focus on what you are offering them, and you should have bullets, heading and subtitles that focus their attention on their concerns, interest, and pain points too. One of the best ways that you can focus the visitors’ attention exactly where you want is through the use of the contrasting colors.
Adding your brand or logo on the landing page at https://means-of-production.com builds the visitor’s cyberspace confidence and also improves the business recognition. Offering credibility gives the visitors confidence that they can trust you and this is achieved mainly through the adding of the social proof. You should also remember to keep is free from the distractions because the many pictures while being visually appealing will distract them from the primary task. These pages will also be slower to lead and this will not be good for you as the visitors never enjoy having to wait for slow pages to load.
The layouts, which dictates the ability of the visitors to quickly interpret what they should read and where to go next to fill on the form, is the most important element on the squarespace web pages. You should, therefore, make sure that there is little to one of the friction on these pages, there is consistency and easy experience.
The only way that you will be able to capitalize on the marketing investment is if you translates the visitors into leads, and this is why you should get on to developing a landing page that will do just that. Find out some more facts about web design through https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Responsive_web_design.